What To Expect

How Long Is An Engage City Church Service?
An average Engage City Church service lasts between 70 to 90 minutes. Service begins with the Engage City Church band leading the church in music – song lyrics that are projected onto the big screen, so you can sing along and Engage in worship (even if you are new to the church experience). After the music portion of the service is completed, one of our pastors will share an encouraging and hope-filled sermon, taken directly from the Holy Bible, about Jesus Christ, Our Lord And Savior.

What Is The Culture At Engage City Church Like?
Services at Engage City Church are casual, exciting, yet relaxing at the same time. The people are friendly and welcoming to all (especially new-comers)! Some say the music is just a little bit loud, so we offer ear plugs at the front door. Our music might be loud, but that is because Our Faith is loud too!

What About My Kids?
We sincerely believe that children of ALL ages should have a blast at church, every single week. The City Kids Group will make that a #2 priority. Our #1 priority (when you bring your children to church with you) is safety. Because of that, we have a detailed check-in process we ask you to sign up for when you first come in with your children. The children are given a unique identification number each time you come and sign your children in. This way while you are in service if there is any need for contacting you, we simply display your child’s unique identification number on the screen to let you know that you are needed. You yourself are given a matching sticker with your child or children’s identification number on it. Make sure to leave yourself an extra 5 to 10 minutes to get your children signed in and in their correct group. City Kids Group is for children 0 through 5th grade.
Let Us Know You're Coming
How many people will be coming? If you have kids coming to City Kids let us know their ages!